Why choosing the right path in life doesn’t need to be so hard.

And overthinking this choice can lead to inaction.

John Carraway
3 min readDec 19, 2018

Over the years, I’ve ran into people who are constantly trying to find what they’re good at and making it into their career. Too many of us want to be successful but don’t have a clue in how to start or even get there. During my years in college, we were asked the two million dollar questions; what are you majoring in? And what do you plan to do with that? It’s as if you are expected to know the answers to these questions without a single doubt in your voice.

At some point, I met an acquaintance at a wedding who shared with our table that the reason she never went to college was because she didn’t know what to do with her life and was paralyzed with that decision. Now that’s understandable but I was shocked to hear someone not even try to attempt something that they were actually interested in doing. The very fear of getting it wrong was enough for someone to not even get started.

So here’s an idea, instead of trying to figure out what to do with your life or career let’s rephrase the very same statement that stumps thousands into rethinking their entire existence.

Take life into perspective and don’t try to figure it all out within a few years. Life is unpredictable, and filled with many variables that are out of our control so the best we can do is to figure out what to do right now at this very moment. If you think about it, life is just a sequences of moments in the present. If you accumulate these moments enough with things that make you happy and bring you closer to your definition of success, asking the question of “what are you doing with your life” seems a little pointless now.

Overtime, these moments will accumulate and shape you into the person that you are today with a unique perspective that you didn’t have yesterday.

Life is like a drawing, it starts as a blank piece of paper. When a line is drawn everytime, you can’t see what the picture is becoming only after the final drawing is completed. When you make decisions in your life, you will see the bigger picture only after you’ve taken action towards the things that are meaningful to you

Take into consideration what you enjoy doing and start with that. We all have something of interest that brings us joy. If you are at a intersection with where you want your life to go, remember that there are no wrong choices in a path when it comes to building your future. Only you decide what is right or wrong in the moment you make a decision. The future will be built on that foundation and the rest will fall in place.



John Carraway

Contentpreneur📝 | Book Reviewer✅ | Writer✍️